各有关单位:《GB2763-2016食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》将于2017年6月18日正式实施,同时发布的还有106项检测方法标准,其中29项标准被GB2763规定为指定的检测方法。新标准沿袭了2014版的基本格式,但农药品种、方法标准、残留限量的数量较2014版有较大突破,基本涵盖了我国已批准使用的常用农药和居民日常消费的主要农产品。由于数据量庞大,新内容繁多,新标准的实施将给生产经营单位、第三方检测机构、政府监管部门带来很大挑战。为帮助各有关单位做好标准执行的准备工作、顺利开展检测业务,提高工作效率,我院检验检疫技术培训中心联合出入境检验检疫食品化妆品检验标准化技术委员会(下称“食品化妆品专业委”),组织邀请国家农药残留标准审评委员会委员、部分食品安全领域的专家对新标准进行了集中深入研究,并梳理了标准中存在的一些问题,同时针对GB 2763标准因为组限量与产品限量并存,而导致限量查询困难等情况编制了查询软件。为共享研究成果、帮助各相关单位节约人力时间成本,我院与食品化妆品专业委联合,于2017年6月分别在海南和陕西举办《GB2763-2016食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》及配套方法标准宣贯培训班。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、培训内容(一)GB 2763标准制订背景、过程及关键点解读;(二)GB 2763标准全面深度解读;(三)GB 2763查询软件介绍和使用方法讲解;(四)GB 2763标准涉及的165项方法标准系统分析;(五)结合重点检测方法讲解相关的检测技术应用;(六)农药残留检测方法国家标准编制指南。二、师资安排国家农药残留标准审评委员会秘书处成员,国家农药残留标准审评委员会委员,食品检测领域资深专家,国家标准起草人,资深培训专家三、培训对象各级农业局(农委会)、农药检定所相关人员;各级食品药品监督局、食品药品检验所相关人员;各级出入境检验检疫局、质量技术监督局(市场监督管理部门)等机构中的监督执法人员和检测技术人员;国家粮食局及下属机构;第三方食品检验检测机构中的管理人员和检测技术人员;食品生产企业检验检测负责人及专业技术人员;高校和科研机构等相关人员。四、培训期次设置第一期 陕西培训时间:2017年6月11日报到-6月16日12时前离开报到地点:西安市碑林区友谊西路175号(陕西公务员大厦)第二期 海南培训时间:2017年6月18日报到-6月23日12时前离开报到地点:三亚市三亚湾路78号(福朋喜来登酒店)五、报名方式1、请自愿参训学员于培训班开始前登录中国检验检疫科学研究院检验检疫技术培训中心网站(www.iqtt.org.cn)点击所选班次报名(培训&会议→政策法规与标准→食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量培训班)。新用户需注册。报名截至时间:每期次开班前3天。2、工作人员及联系方式:金 卓:010-53897229,153 1143 8254杨启蓉:010-53897431,135 2219 1011传 真:010-53897409Email:iqtt2016@163.com五、费用标准:1、培训费3200元(含培训场地费、培训资料费、授课老师讲课费及差旅费等);食宿统一安排,住宿费用自理。 2、培训费请提前一周汇到以下账号,同时在汇款单据上注明: “农残限量班+地点+参会人姓名”。户 名:中国检验检疫科学研究院开户行:交通银行北京经济技术开发区支行帐 号:1100 6043 6018 0100 01624六、其他事项1、参训学员食宿统一安排,原则上两人一间。如有单住需求,请提前与工作人员联系,超出费用自理。2、参训人员往返交通费用自理。3、机场、火车站均有抵达报到地点的公共交通工具。4、报到时请出示汇款单据复印件。 附件:165项标准清单 中国检验检疫科学研究院 2017年5月12日 详情见下面附件:关于举办《GB2763-2016食品安全国家标准食品中最大农药残留限量》及配套方法标准宣贯培训班的通知(1) (1).pdf
Read More>>会议地点: 东北大学(辽宁 沈阳) 组委会电话: 024-83687659 邮 箱: microtas2017@mail.neu.edu.cn 会议网址: http://www.dbdxhxg.cn 微信公众号: symicrotas2017 (或通过扫描右侧二维码获取) 微信群号: 2017微流控微尺度分析会 一、 会议宗旨大会旨在为从事微流控学、微全分析系统、微纳尺度生物分离分析以及相关领域基础、应用研究的学者提供广泛的多学科交叉的学术交流平台。会议历时4天,将设立大会报告、邀请报告、专题报告、口头报告、墙报等交流形式,为与会专家、青年学者以及研究等提供一个与国内外知名学者互动和学术交流的机会,促进相关学科的深入发展;同时也热诚欢迎相关厂商踊跃报名资助及参展,会议将提供良好的展览场地。二、 会议主题(1)微/纳流控科学与技术 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics;(2)微全分析系统 MicroTAS;(3)毛细管电泳和毛细管电色谱Capillary Electrophoresis, Capillary Electrochromatography;(4)毛细管高效液相色谱或超高效液相色谱HPLC / UPLC;(5)微纳单细胞、单分子分析Micro/Nano Analysis for single cell and single molecule;(6)微纳生物分析 Micro/Nano Scale Bioanalysis;(7)与上述技术联用的检测技术如光谱、质谱和电化学技术等 Optical and Mass Spectrometry, Electrochemistry and Other Methods that can be Incorporated into the Aforementioned Techniques;(8)上述技术与系统在化学、生物、医学、药学、环境和食品安全等领域中的应用 Application of Aforementioned Techniques in Areas including Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Environment and Food Safety。三、 会议时间和地点征文截止日期:2017年7月31日优惠截止日期:2017年7月31日会议报到时间:2017年9月22日8:30-20:00会议报到地点:东北大学国际学术交流中心会议召开时间:2017年9月23-25日会议召开地点:东北大学汉卿会堂及东北大学国际学术交流中心四、 会议征文要求(1)凡与会议主题相关的新原理、新方法、新技术和新应用均为本次大会的征文范围,已在刊物上发表或全国会议上报告过的论文不在应征之列。(2)中文或英文摘要均可,包括标题、作者、单位、地址、E-mail、摘要、关键词、参考文献,请标明与会作者(下划线__表示)和通讯作者(星号*表示)。每篇摘要限用A4纸1页,页边距上下左右分别留出2.5cm,单倍行距。中文摘要题目用三号黑体,作者姓名、E-mail、单位和地址用小四号楷体,正文用小四号宋体,中文摘要请务必提供论文的英文题目和作者信息;英文摘要全篇采用Times New Roman字体,标题为加粗14号字体,其他内容为12号字体。中文或英文摘要模板可在会议网站下载(http://www.dbdxhxg.cn)。(3)论文实行网上投稿,对不符合要求的稿件,将退回稿件请作者重新修改。一经评审录用,向作者发出通知,不再接受任何修改。(4)请于2017年7月31日前在线投稿。投稿网址为:http://www.dbdxhxg.cn(5)本次会议工作语言为中文或英语,会议报告(PPT)和墙报请用英文准备。五、 会议注册为便于安排和统计参会人数,请拟参会的代表于2017年7月31日前进行网上注册。注册类型 2017.7.31之前 2017.7.31之后 学术注册(含博士后) 1500元人民币 1800元人民币 学生注册(报到时需出示学生证) 900元人民币 1200元人民币 在会议网站注册时,请注明发票抬头,并将会议费转到以下账户:银行汇款信息:(请注明会议名称和代表姓名:2017microtas+姓名)账户名:东北大学开户行:中国建设银行沈阳东北大学支行账号:21001464601059123456汇款后将转账汇款信息或回执扫描件通过电子邮件发送至组委会邮箱,以便及时确认(microtas2017@mail.neu.edu.cn)。会议期间统一开具发票。六、 会议联系方式有关会议的详细介绍、组织机构、日程安排、宾馆住宿等相关信息请登陆会议网址(http://www.dbdxhxg.cn)查询或者扫描二维码,相关内容将陆续完善。联系人:徐章润电话:024-83687659E-mail:microtas2017@mail.neu.edu.cn(组委会),xuzr@mail.neu.edu.cn(徐章润)
Read More>>由湖北省出入境检验检疫局技术中心、省科促会、武汉质量协会等联合主办的“第8届华中武汉科学仪器及实验室装备展览会”将于今年11月10-12日在武汉国际博览中心召开。目前,包括美国菲力尔FLIR、埃朗科技、北京浩天晖、北京博晖光电、北京美泰科仪、上海前视红外、上海贺默仪器、上海耐博检测、常州普天、常州国华、广州仪德、如皋华宇、武汉环试检测、武汉利环康试验、武汉递热爱、武汉飞羿、武汉云克隆、武汉捷和、武汉博尔德等一大批新老企业报名参展,将展出分析测试、生化技术、实验室装备、无损检测、试验设备以及行业专用仪器等前沿最新产品。据了解,作为科教大省的湖北省,不仅高校科研院所云集,而且被列为国家食品安全试点省份。同时,国家质检总局批准武汉为“全国质量强市示范城市”创建城市。武汉市政府先后出台《关于加快推进全面创新改革建设国家创新型城市的意见》、《武汉市创建“全国质量强市示范城市”工作方案》,目标打造全国一流的检验检测技术平台,以建设国家检验检测高技术服务业集聚区为载体,吸引国内外检验检测认证机构落户武汉、聚集发展,到“十三五”末,武汉地区国家质检中心达到40个以上,建成中部检验检测高技术服务业中心。“华中仪器展”经过多年培育与积累,已经成为中部地区科仪第一展,成为高校、质检部门、实验室定点采购交流活动。“质量强市”商机将进一步筑巢引凤,检测仪器、实验室装备也在武汉地区迎来前所未有的市场空间。(详见:http://www.instrument.com.cn/exhibition/introduce.asp?eid=E6836115&fangshi=2)
Read More>>由国家大型科学仪器中心主办的全国有机质谱学术交流会兹定于2016年10月20日-22日在湖北省宜昌市召开。目前征稿工作正在进行中,现将大会安排和征稿工作等相关事项通知如下:一、会议内容:1、国内外专家做大会综述报告,2、公司新技术研究报告,3、专题分会报告,4、优秀论文评选。二、会议日程:10 月20日-10月22日(19日全天报到)三、会议地点: 湖北省宜昌市均瑶酒店。住宿标准:320元/天/间;380元/天/间四、会议费用:会议费:1000 元/人五、论文征集及出版情况:1、投稿论文可以是全文或摘要,具体征稿内容和要求见第一轮通知,投稿截止日期:2016年6月20日。会议论文投稿、查询请登录会议网站:www.organic-ms.com(电子版格式为Word2003)。未能网上投稿的参会者,请直接将电子版稿件发送至信箱:bjhy_ms@163.com2、论文经专家评审后发通知,未录用论文恕不退稿。如您的论文被录用,将收入《分析试验室》会议论文集增刊,并要求做专题报告,望准备。3、论文按《分析试验室》要求排版,请按150 元/页缴费,版面费请于 8月15日前通过邮局寄到:北京新外大街2 号《分析试验室》编辑部收,邮政编码:100088;邮寄日期以邮戳为准,务必注明“质谱会议版面费”,以便确认。版面费和会议费发票将在质谱会议报到时一并发给作者,逾期未寄版面费,恕不予刊载,后果自负。 六、参会代表若要参加会议,请速报名(没有论文的人员也可报名参加会议);因第三轮通知只发给报名人员,并凭第三轮通知报到,以便安排食宿。七、会议联系人王群 01059202126 ; 徐建中 13661110592 ; 张颖 13601172139
Read More>>“仪商汇”渠道峰会是中国仪器仪表行业协会代理商分会主办的渠道资源对接活动,取仪器仪表行业众商汇集,共享资源盛世之意。活动旨在服务行业代理商、经销商企业,提供互联网+信息资源、创建渠道高效对接的平台。“中国仪器仪表行业协会代理商分会”(以下简称:代理商分会)。是以行业代理商、经销商为主自愿组成的全国性、行业性、非营利性社会组织。代理商分会是目前国内专注渠道发展的行业组织,代理商分会成立于2015年11月,在总会的领导下以“服务渠道、引领发展、促进交流、加强协作”为宗旨,承载着渠道之间桥梁和纽带的重要职能,在信息沟通、利益协调、增进合作、资源共享等多个方面发挥积极作用。代理商分会为会员单位提供“仪商汇”行业渠道资源对接会、渠道调研、高峰论坛、渠道沙龙、渠道信息服务,培训交流,组织境外考察,促进境内外的同业合作等多项服务内容。本次“仪商汇”渠道峰会是中国仪器仪表行业协会代理商分会主办的渠道资源对接活动,取仪器仪表行业众商汇集,共享资源盛世之意。活动旨在服务行业代理商、经销商企业,提供互联网+信息资源、创建渠道高效对接的平台。本次中国仪器仪表行业协会代理商分会“仪商汇”渠道峰会,以各省、直辖市核心渠道代理商为抓手,以“渠道对接+平台服务项目”为主要输出服务模式,以渠道对接为着力点,切实解决行业内制造商、品牌代理商渠道下沉,资源经销商渠道采购的问题,输出行业优质的专家资源、信息优势,协助渠道规范运营、资源共享,搭建与同业和专家学习交流、资源对接的高效平台。主讲嘉宾: 代理商分会代表 仪器厂商渠道负责人,优秀代理商负责人,用户代表参会对象:仪器代理商、经销商、厂商渠道代表参会事项:会议注册费: 500元/人(包含午餐、不包含住宿)代理商分会会员单位注册享受八折优惠(说明:会前及会议现场入会,可享受会员单位注册待遇,不包括赞助费)付款方式:会务费请在报名后5个工作日内电汇至以下账户对公账户:仪众天下(北京)广告传媒有限公司 开户行:工商银行世纪城支行 银行账号:0200 2283 0920 1061 201 个人账户:常叶 622262 091001 3994722微信账户:常艳 18310088798支 付 宝:常叶 yzhgj1718@163.com
Read More>>中国分析测试协会标记免疫分析专业委员会成立大会暨首届学术峰会地址更新 会议主要内容:1. 中国分析测试协会标记免疫分析专业委员会成立大会暨系列工作会议;2. 首届中国分析测试协会标记免疫分析学术峰会;3. 标记免疫分析新技术产品展示交流与培训会。
Read More>>Thermo Fisher reported abetter-than-expected second-quarter 2015 with adjusted EPS and revenuesexceeding the respective Zacks Consensus Estimate. However, the top line wasaffected year over year by the impact of unfavorable foreign exchange rates anddivestitures. Despite that, Thermo Fisher increased its full-year 2015 revenueguidance reflecting strong operational performance as well as ample scope forimprovement even amid the present challenges. According to the company, it is on track todeliver revenue and cost synergy targets from the Life Technologiesintegration. At the end of 2015, the company expects to deliver $130 millionworth of cost synergy benefits, a $5 million increase from the earlier targetprimarily because of accelerating realization of head count and sourcingsynergies. The company is also confident of its overall three-year synergytarget which had been raised from $300 million to $350 million. Thermo Fisher expects revenue synergies toaccelerate through 2015 and hence is confident to achieve the full-year 2015guidance of $60 million in revenue synergies and $20 million in adjustedoperating income pull-through. Year to date, revenue synergies total $25million, lower than the midpoint of the target. However, the company expects aramp up in this regard over the coming quarters. Thermo Fisher has carried out multipleacquisitions that have added complementary technologies, expanded its presencein high-growth markets, and generated cost and revenue synergies therebycreating shareholder value. Apart from boosting revenue accretion, these dealshave historically benefited the company’s operating margin while also resultingin tax synergies. The company is optimistic about its recentdevelopments which include a set of new product launches including OrbitrapFusion LumosTribrid mass spectrometer and Q Exactive GC-MS/MS; the impending$400 million acquisition of Alfa Aesar and increased presence in emergingmarkets.
Read More>>Conventional microscopy and massspectrometry are witnessing rapid evolution in terms of adoption of thehigh-resolution mass spectrometry technologies and electron microscopy forimproved analysis. The semiconductor, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticalindustries are propelling the demand of service laboratory equipment. Theoverall service laboratory market is expected to grow from USD 3.75 Billion in2014 to USD 5.45 Billion by 2020, at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2014 to 2020. Themarket in APAC is expected to witness the highest growth due to major growthspurts expected in the material science sector in the developing countries ofthis region. North America, Europe, and even APACcountries such as China and Japan are some of the early adopters of the servicelaboratory market. China is a potential market for microscopy as skilledworkforce and early stage capital can be easily available. India and Brazil areprospective markets due to their growing R&D initiatives. Moreover, theeasy availability of funding in these countries is a key driving factor.Material science is the biggest application segment for SEM and is followed bythe industrial segment. The major companies involved in laboratoryservices are Exponent, Inc. (United States), Integrated Service Technology,Inc. (Taiwan), Nanolab Technologies, Inc. (United States), and Chipworks, Inc.(Canada) among others. The major OEMs include Hitachi High-TechnologiesCorporation (Japan), FEI Company (United States), JEOL Ltd. (Japan), and CarlZeiss AG (Germany). The transmission electron microscope anddual-beam microscope systems segments are expected to drive the growth of theservice laboratory market during the forecast period. Semiconductor companiesare adding new laboratory equipment in various stages of their R&D as wellproduct life cycle which is driving the OEM and service market. However, forsmall players (semiconductor, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies inparticular), the high service laboratory costs have resulted in outsourcing ofthese services as a cost control activity. This outsourcing of servicelaboratory tasks to contract research organizations (CROs) and smalllaboratories has contributed to the growth of the overall service laboratorymarket.
Read More>>AgilentTechnologies said after the close of the market on Monday that revenues for itsfiscal fourth quarter were $1.04 billion, essentially flat compared to Q4 FY2014 and matching the consensus Wall Street estimate. Its LifeSciences and Applied Markets segment recorded $515 million in revenues in thequarter, down 4 percent from $539 million a year ago. Its Diagnostics andGenomics revenues were up 4 percent to $178 million from $172 million in Q4 FY2014. Revenues from the company’s CrossLab group were up 3 percent to $342million from $332 million in the year-ago period. Agilent'sprofit for Q4 FY 2015 rose to $140 million, or $.42 per share, from $23million, or $.07 per share, a year ago. On an adjusted basis, its EPS was $.50,beating the consensus Wall Street estimate of $.47. Agilenthad intangible amortization of $37 million, transformation costs of $15million, acquisition and integration costs of $7 million, asset impairments of$3 million, and a tax benefit of $39 million. The company had R&D costs of$82 million in the quarter, down 15 percent from $97 million a year ago. ItsSG&A spending fell 5 percent to $297 million from $312 million. Thecompany noted in a statement that its Life Sciences and Applied Markets Groupsaw a strong quarter for pharma offset by weakness in the industrial andacademic and government markets. The company’s Diagnostics and Genomics Groupand CrossLab Group both saw solid growth broadly. On aconference call following the release of the results, Patrick Kaltenback,president of Agilent’s Life Sciences and Applied Markets Group, noted that thestrength in pharma was reflected in solid sales of liquid chromatographyinstrumentation, including several large deals during the quarter with big USand European drugmakers. Kaltenbackalso cited the biopharma space as a significant growth driver, adding that thecompany had targeted this market with certain of its LC and mass specinstruments. Agilentalso saw strong growth in its companion diagnostics business, said JacobThaysen, president of the company’s Diagnostics and Genomics Group. During thequarter Agilent received US Food and Drug Administration approval for two newcompanion diagnostics: one, a test for determining if patients with advancednon-small-cell lung cancer are likely responders to Merck’s PD-1 inhibitorKeytruda (pembrolizumab); and a second developed with Bristol-Myers Squibb fordetermining PD-L1 expression levels on the surface of NSCLC tumor cells toprovide information on the survival benefit of treatment with BMS’s Opdivo(nivolumab). Forfull-year Fiscal 2015, Agilent said that revenues were nearly flat at $4.04billion compared to $4.05 billion in FY 2014 and matched the average analystestimate. Thefirm's net income for the year fell to $398 million, or $1.19 per share,compared to $504 million, or $1.49 per share, in FY 2014. Adjusted EPS was$1.74, beating the consensus Wall Street estimate of $1.70. Agilent’sR&D spending fell 8 percent during the year to $330 million from $358million in FY 2014. Its SG&A spending was down 1 percent to $1.19 billionfrom $1.20 billion a year ago. Thecompany gave Q1 FY 2016 revenue guidance of $1.0 billion to $1.02 billion, and non-GAAPearnings guidance of $.42 to $.44 per share. For the full fiscal year 2016, itgave guidance of $4.15 billion to $4.17 billion in revenue and non-GAAPearnings of $1.85 to $1.91 per share. Presidentand CEO Mike McMullen said the guidance assumed low single-digit growth ingovernment and academic sales and high single-digit growth in the pharma anddiagnostic and clinical markets. InTuesday morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange, Agilent shares were up2 percent at $37.98.
Read More>>The door to Tu Youyou’s 20th-floor apartment in Beijing was opened by her husband, Li Tingzhao. Mr. Li, a metallurgy engineer, has been serving as Dr. Tu’s protector from the clamor of phone calls and well-wishers since the announcement this week that she had become the first citizen of the People’s Republic of China to be awarded a Nobel Prize in the sciences. The honor for her discovery of artemisinin, a drug that is now part of standard antimalarial regimens, is being widely celebrated in China as a vindication of traditional Chinese medicine.Her Nobel for medicine or physiology, which she shared with two other scientists who developed antiparasitic drugs, has also raised questions about the management of scientific research in China. Dr. Tu, 84, has been turned down for membership in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, apparently because she lacks foreign training and a formal doctoral degree. And some former colleagues have argued that the discovery of artemisinin, which grew out of a secret military project during the Vietnam War to fight the malaria that was debilitating China’s allies in North Vietnam, was a group effort, not the work of an individual.In an interview, Dr. Tu said she did not entirely disagree with that point of view, but noted that she led the team that made the crucial discoveries. Seated on a beige couch, she repeatedly turned to textbooks to make her points. She appeared in good health, though a little hard of hearing, which is why she missed the phone call notifying her of her prize. Letters of congratulations from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University lay on the living room table. Her husband proudly showed photographs of the couple in front of the White House when Dr. Tu traveled to the United States in 2011 to receive the Lasker Award for clinical medical research. Their apartment was filled with flowers from admirers and, toward the end of the interview, the mayor of Ningbo, her hometown, arrived with another bouquet.Q. How did you start your work?A. China had a very good relationship with North Vietnam and during the war, they had an epidemic of malaria. Soldiers’ lives lost to malaria were two to three times those lost in combat. The malaria parasite had developed resistance to all drugs. The United States was working on it, too, because they were losing soldiers. At our institute, all research had been suspended because of the Cultural Revolution, but this was officially permitted by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. There had been no good results at a military hospital, so they came to my institute looking for help in 1969. They named me head of the program. I was young and ambitious, and happy to have something to do amid all the chaos.Q. Given the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, what kind of equipment did you have?A. We had electricity and water and microscopes. We always had them. The equipment was made in China. When we needed other things, we’d go to the military hospital and use theirs.Q. After you tested artemisinin on mice and monkeys and it proved effective, you took the drug yourself. Were you afraid?A. We worried whether the drug was safe. Two colleagues and I took it to show that it wasn’t lethal. I thought it was my responsibility as a medical chemist and all part of the job.Q. Were there other efforts underway in China to find an answer to malaria?A. There was a team of acupuncture specialists who were trying to cure patients in quarantine centers. Obviously that didn’t work. The acupuncture specialists had to do it because this was assigned to them.Q. Although you’ve been honored as the discoverer of this immensely important drug, you have not benefited from its commercial use.A. China had no such thing as patents back then. We didn’t know anything about patents. There were no boundaries of ownership or intellectual property. Whatever I did, I handed over to the leadership. Everyone in the mission contributed what they could.Q. Are you disappointed not to have been admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?A. I applied many times, because people told me I should. I did receive a few awards for the discovery. At the National Science Conference in 1978, my team was given an award. As the team leader, I accepted on behalf of the team. The minister of public health personally recommended me for academy membership. However, many factors must come into play. It’s complicated.Q. There are critics, including former colleagues, who say you shouldn’t have been singled out as the discoverer, that the work was a team effort.A. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. We all believed in collectivism. All I wanted was to do good work at my job. Of course, I’d be nothing without my team. Foreign countries like the United States care a lot about which individual should claim credit. Foreigners read historical records and picked me. Chinese awards are always given to teams, but foreign awards are different. This honor belongs to me, my team and the entire nation.I don’t care that much. I just know that I did all those experiments. The records are public and anyone can check them. The important thing is to respect facts. History is history.Q. Will you travel to Sweden in December to accept the award?A. I’ve got a bad back. My doctor wants me to have surgery soon. I’ll see how I feel come December. I didn’t tell them I’m definitely coming. I didn’t make any promises.
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